An individual is responsible for filing their own taxes, under the Canadian Tax laws. This is referred to as self assessment. However, tax professionals highly recommends marriage couples, or persons in common law relationships file together.
The advantages of filing together optimizes your tax situation if you have spousal RRSP’S, daycare fees, medical expenses, pension splitting etc.
Filing separately can adversely affect your tax calculation. Furthermore, recalculation of benefits by the CRA may result in delay of refunds, especially if they are children involved.
Overall ,whatever your decision remember to submitted all documents to your tax professional (See Tax checklist).
If you are fling for this first time ensure that you have all family documents (sin#, passports etc.) available for the tax preparer.
An estate is everything that a person owns when they die, including their property and their debts. Filing a deceased tax return requires legal representative (executor or estate administrator) to coordinate with the tax advisor.